MIND your colors- Pink Sky to Blue Lips

Fall colors, spring colors, winter colors, summer blues, raging colors, feeling blue, pink of health, green with envy, blushing red….. The color palate never ceases to amaze us

We reside in a world of colors.

Imagine an object without color, black and white? It’s difficult, isn’t it?

Even thoughts have colors, ideas too; feelings and emotions are wrapped in colors.

I see the grey sky, the mood I create is black, I suffer from Monday morning Blues, I imagine green, I hold on to peace. I see a face red and I imagine the boss is about to yell at me

Colors define thoughts, perception, culture, vision.

 Images are never black and white…every thought, every emotion; every idea has a color at the backdrop of the mind mostly. We just perceive the reflected colors

Birds, fish and many other mammals perceive full-spectrum,

Bees can see ultraviolet colors invisible to the human eye

It’s the color that devotes meaning to the words and sentences. Idioms and phrases have been created in English to reflect thoughts.

I can’t imagine brightness when I am cranky; there is a certain amount of neurological connection

Dr Robert Gerand has identified and researched that color has a specific wavelength and each of these affect our body and brain in a different way

Right color effects  

Ø Attention

Ø Behavior

Ø Feelings

Colors help in cognitive abilities and memory

You show an image to a child, don’t color it

Next, you show the same image with colors

The child pays attention, behavior changes and the retention capacity enhances

Research shows people are very sensitive to the visual connection

Colors are psychological triggers and help in learning through evoking emotions and perceptions especially when it comes to children, adults too.

Red and blue help in enhancing cognitive abilities and brain function.

Red colors help memory retention and minute detailing

 Author Amanda Pike in her book ADHD and LD says colors help to improve retention and grabs a child’s attention. Any mistake can be highlighted with color

Inna Segal, in her book The Secret Language of Colors, says that colors like Mauve and Lemon are color of warmth and intellect. It helps in improving the concentration level. Mauve reduces eyes and ears imbalance boosting the power of brain and memory. Next time while creating a page for the child you can add on these colors quoted “In The Encyclopedia of Memory and Memory Disorders by Carol Turkington and Joseph Harris, the authors state that intensely visualizing colors can help in the development of visual memory.”

As quoted by Artist Pablo Picasso “Color is a powerful communication tool and can be used to signal action, influence mood, and even influence physiological reactions. Certain colors have been associated with increased blood pressure, increased metabolism, and eyestrain.

Colors motivate us as well can make one think. When we imagine things, we visualize them as we have seen them, heard about them. Interestingly it has been researched that when we look at photos familiar to us, the brain automatically fills in the colors know to us. A banana can be shown black and white but the brain processes it into yellow

Learning with virtual images that have a lot of colors in it is a good way to connect with the brain and mind.

Bright colors overstimulate children.


It has better expressions in learning.

Learning can be made easier and creative by merging colors to different structures.